About DRIVE Automotive Marketing Soutions Marketplace
When DRIVE was founded in Phoenix in 1997 and launched its first automobile dealer website, roughly 20 million Americans had access to the internet and 56Kbps modems were a breakthrough for "high-speed" downloads. Most people had no idea what was a website much less the World Wide Web.
Fast forward to 2024 and there are almost 324 million Americans online1 and mobile browsing and apps are becoming the primary way people connect and shop online. We were there at the beginning of the information revolution and have continued to evolve and develop innovative solutions for our clients.
We have carved a niche in the vast business of online automotive marketing and sales and have never lost sight of the many personal relationships we have forged with our dealers and clients. Most of our clients are referrals from existing ones and we think this type of relationship for a boutique technology and marketing company is well suited.
Our highly skilled and knowledgeable team has been quite fortunate over the years to be able to work with clients that share our values and have mutual respect for our partnership. Much of our time and work is providing expert consulting advice and management to achieve the varying goals and objectives of our network of automobile dealers and clients.
"Our entire consulting philosophy is governed by a strong belief in the One Dealer - One Market principle which drives all of our consulting decisions and eliminates any conflict of interest."
We realize that not every dealership can receive the benefits of our consulting and management services which is why we are building our DriveCities network of local automotive marketplaces. We are confident that the collective power of local dealers will help to not only attract new customers but help reduce costs to consumers and dealers.
Every day we try to create something tangible that will enhance people's lives and we are building technology for the future, today. We see ourselves as a balance of consulting, technology, and marketing with a dash of social!
*- Internet Users by Country- http://www.internetlivestats.com/internet-users-by-country
Helping you find a car. buy a car. sell a car.
DRIVE take your dealership's ideas and turns them into solutions.
Customer Support
Personal support is one of the hallmarks of our company.
Software As A Service (SaaS)
We can design, develop and deploy custom web services for your dealership.
Digital Photography
360° spherical imagery to enhance your vehicle's marketing is only the beginning.
Mobile Communication
DriveSMS is one solutions for your dealer's sales staff for communicating with customers.
Vehicle Inventory Marketing
Real time distribution with enhanced data and photos is standard.
Every dealership could benefit from an independent expert analysis.